Personal Information

Ar. Vivekanand Tiwari
Assistant Professor
B.Arch & Masters of Planning with Specialization in Environmental Planning
- Sustainable Architecture
- Environmental Planning
- Water Management
- B.Arch from National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli (2008)
- M.Planning (Environmental Planning) from School of Planning and Architecture Delhi (2010)
- Pursuing PhD from IIT Roorkee under QIP, AICTE
- Teaching experience (2010 onwards)
Guided Dissertation and Masters Design Thesis
S. No. | Authors | Title of Article | Journal/Conference Details | Journal/Conference | Publication Year |
1 | Vivekanand Tiwari, Ritu B Rai, | TIntegrating Micro Watershed Management for the Evolution of Physical Development Plan: Case Study, Central University of Rajasthan Bandarsindri, | Cumulus Mumbai 2015: In a planet of our own - A Vision of Sustainability with focus on Water, International conference at IDC, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, 2015, ISBN 978-81-931260-1-1 | Conference | 2015 |
- Presentation on “Sustainable Urban Waste Management to Mitigate the Probable Propagation of Environmental Toxicology in Surface and Groundwater” in the International Conference on Breakthroughs in Toxicology and Human Health & 39th Annual Meeting of Society of Toxicology, India at Jiwaji University Gwalior from 27-29th Dec, 2019.
- Participated & Presented paper titled as “Study of relationship between urban sprawl and ground water table using multi temporal spatial datasets: case study of Jaipur” in 8th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Urban Water Management by APHW 2019 at IIT Roorkee during 22nd -23rd December 2019. (Presentation)
- Presented paper on “Development of Integrated Assessment Framework for Groundwater Management in the Context of Urban Land use Planning” in the 8th International Groundwater Conference (IGWC-2019) organized at IIT Roorkee during 21-24 0ctober 2019. (Presentation)
- Integrating Micro Watershed Management for the Evolution of Physical Development Plan: Case Study: Central University of Rajasthan Bandarsindri in Cumulus Mumbai 2015: In a planet of our own - a vision of sustainability with focus on water (International conference) held at IDC, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India in 2015 (ISBN 978-81-931260-1-1) (First Author)
- Integrated Micro Watershed Management in the 6th international conference on Innovative Trends In “Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Infrastructure Development” (CEAESID-2015). Abstract published in Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology (JCEET) ISSN NO: 2349-8404 (Presentation)
- Watershed Management and Urban Design: An approach to Water Urbanism in the International Conference of URBIO 2012 held at IIT Mumbai in 2012 (Presentation)
- Development of Green Infrastructure through Green Streets in the International Conference of URBIO 2012 held at IIT Mumbai in 2012 (Presentation)
- Urban Sprawl in Hill Towns of Himachal Pradesh, Case Study: Hamirpur Town in the International Conference on Urbanism and Green Architecture held at National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, (H.P.) (ISBN No.: 978-81-920315-0-7) (Presentation)
- Participated in three days National training program on Climate change, Hill area development and Landslides Management” organized by CoEDMM IIT Roorkee and NIDM Delhi at IIT Roorkee in 2019.
- Participated in India International Training Course on space-based information system for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (ECO-DRR) organized by United Nation Office for Outer space Affairs and CoEDMM IIT Roorkee in 2019.
- Attended four QIP training workshops (one-week each) at QIP center IIT Roorkee.
- Attended three-week Refresher Course by HRDC (UGC) at MDS University Ajmer,
- Attended four-week Faculty Orientation Programme by HRDC (UGC), Jai Narayan Vyas University Jodhpur at Central University of Rajasthan,
- Attended Two-days GIAN Evalution Workshop at National Institute of Education, Planning and Administration. at New Delhi in 2019
- Attended one week (13 to 17 march2023) online FDP on Water Resource Management organized by the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Chandigarh
- Co-Coordinator of AICTE ISTE sponsored Induction/ Refresher Programme on “Teaching and Learning Methods for Architectural Education” in online mode.
- Co-Coordinator of one-week MHRD sponsored GIAN workshop on “Researching Sustainability in Built Environment” at Central University of Rajasthan.