Established in 2010, the Department of Management offers MBA with specialization in three streams – Finance, Human Resource Management and Marketing.  Every year, 30 students join the program, from diverse backgrounds, states, culture and language. The Faculty of the Department imparts high-quality management education through rigorous academic inputs, regular management activities and seminar of national repute. The department provides a good research environment along with extensive infrastructural facilities. The department is involved in depth research work in the different functional areas of management.  The strong research orientation of the Faculty is reflected through sponsored research projects and doctoral research through regular PhD programme. The department has Strong alumni network & students are well placed in reputed organisations


Creation of innovative ideas and strategies for business world through values-based management education backed by impactful research.


  • To create a continuous learning eco-system for sustainable business excellence
  • To offer relevant global business solutions through activity based learning practices
  • To make the future business leaders adaptive to societal challenges and responsibilities along with technological competitiveness

Thrust Areas:

  • Consumer Research and Business Research Analytics
  • Psychometric Analysis of Employees in Business Organisations
  • Finance and Econometric Analysis of Modern Business Trends
  • Digitalization of Business in Modern Era

M. B. A.

Objectives of the program

  • To empower students as leaders who can create innovative strategies and execute them in the market.
  • To develop skills in successfully initiating, expanding and diversifying a business enterprise in new, up-coming areas.
  • To provide students with the required tools for decision-making and data analysis
  • To improve students' managerial skills through the use of case studies.
  • To teach students the techniques and tools useful for financial analysis and control in today's business climate.
  • To impart students the skills and knowledge required to ethically manage the business.
  • To develop each student's strategic thinking.
  • To develop family business successors as enterprising and knowledgeable owners of the business of their forefathers.


  • Bachelor's degree from any recognized University in any discipline with 50% of marks or equivalent grade in aggregate for general category and 45% or equivalent grade for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates. 

Ph.D. in Management

Objectives of the program

  • The Doctoral programme prepares the students for careers in teaching, research & industry. The Programme offer advanced management education in niche fields through knowledge creation and transfer and expand the body of knowledge comprising all aspects of management. The research emphasizes, applying the theoretical principals to practice for solving the practical problems of the industry.


  • A consistently good academic record possessing a Master’s Degree in the subject concerned or in a cognate / allied subject with minimum of 55% marks or equivalent grade from a recognized University at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels; 5% relaxation in minimum requirement of marks is granted to SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates.


Dr. Avantika Singh

Assistant Professor

MBA, PhD (Fellow, IRMA)


Dr. Ramulu Bhukya

Assistant Professor

MBA, Ph.D.(UoHyd), Postdoc Research (IIM Ahmedabad), NET&JRF(Management), NET (HRM), NET (Economics)



Dr. Sanjay Kumar Garg

Assistant Professor and Head

M.B.A., M.Com., UGC (NET),Ph.D, Post Doctorate ( CSUSB, USA)


Dr. Tulsee Giri Goswami

Assistant Professor

Ph.D., UGC NET, MBA (HR), Diploma in Training and Development (ISTD), Professional Diploma Mental Health and Wellness


Prof. Uma Sankar Mishra


M.Sc., MBA, DCO, M. Phil, FDPM (IIM, Ahmedabad) Ph.D.



  •   Modern Computer Lab with latest software like SPSS, e-Views, Stata

Completed Projects:

1. Prof. N D Mathur and Dr. Sanjay Kumar has completed project on “A Study on Growth of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) & Initiatives taken by the

Government in the state of Rajasthan for their Development with special reference to Post Liberalization Period” of Rs. 5 Lakhs sanctioned by ICSSR, New Delhi, 2013.

2. Dr. M. R. P. Singh has completed project on “Healthcare Services of Specialty ospitals in Rajasthan: An Empirical Analysis of Marketing Practices” of Rs. 10.73

Lakhs sanctioned by UGC, New Delhi, 2015.

On-going Projects:

1. Dr. Sanjay Kumar has on-going project on “Implementation of Bhamashah Yozna in the state of Rajasthan: An Empirical Analysis” of Rs. 7 Lakhs sanctioned by ICSSR,

New Delhi, 2019.

2. Dr. Avantika Singh has on-going project on “Assessing Economic and Social Impact of Self-Help Group Movement in Rajasthan” of Rs. 10 Lakhs sanctioned by ICSSR,

New Delhi, 2019.

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Achievement Title Attached File
  • Department has organized two days National Seminar on “Role of Women in unpaid care work -  Issues, Challenges & Strategies” in collaboration with National Commission for Women, New Delhi on March 27th and 28th 2018
  • Department has organized GIAN Course on Global HRM sponsored by MHRD, New Delhi from 29th August – 9th September 2016.


Department of Management

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